Stay calm and do not run​

Ask if you are free to leave. If yes, calmly walk away​

If detained, state: “I wish to remain silent and I want to speak to a lawyer.”

Outside your name and date of birth, you do not have any answer any other questions

Do not provide any information about your immigration status​

Do not sign any documents without speaking to an attorney​

Do not sign any documents that are in a language you do not understand​

Do not consent to a search of your person​

Do not open the door unless agents show a warrant signed by a judge​

Ask them to slip the warrant under the door or show it through a window​

If they enter without permission, state: “I do not consent to this search”​

Do not consent a search of any area in the home​

Record what happened as best you can and contact an attorney for help​

You have the right to remain silent and speak to a lawyer if ICE comes to your workplace​

Do not sign any documents without understanding them fully ​

DMCA: Building community one person, one family, one business at a time.

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