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How the Coronavirus is affecting the processing of visas at U.S. consulates

As a result of COVID-19 pandemic, there have been several changes in the government’s processing of consular cases for the issuance of routine immigrant and nonimmigrant visas. As of March 18th, the Department of State has suspended routine visa services in most countries worldwide. Embassies and consulates have cancelled all routine immigrant and nonimmigrant visa appointments. Embassies and consulates will resume routine visa services as soon as possible, but are unable to provide a specific date at this time.

Applicants are still able to submit all fees, applications and supporting documents required by the National Visa Center (NVC) relating to all immigrant visa cases. We are working diligently to ensure that our clients’ cases continue to move through the necessary processes leading up to a visa appointment. It is our goal to continue preparing our clients’ cases so that they will already be in queue for a consular appointment as soon as the scheduling of appointments resume.

Additionally, the United States has put several international travel restrictions into effect due to COVID-19. Air travel from a list of specific countries is no longer permitted. These restrictions do not apply to U.S. Citizens and Legal Permanent Residents. All permissible travel must now be routed through designated airports and those traveling will face additional screening upon arrival. The northern and southern borders have also been closed for all non-essential travel. Non-essential travel is defined as travel that is considered tourism or recreational in nature.

If you have any questions about travel to and from the United States, please contact us to schedule an appointment. Travel related restrictions continue to change and it can be difficult to understand whether you or a loved one are affected. We are here to help you navigate through these troubling times.

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