Four DMCA attorneys, including partner Marisol Perez, listed in the women’s issue of Scene In S.A. as Outstanding Woman In Law 2023

Immigration Blog

Four DMCA attorneys, including partner Marisol Perez, listed in the women’s issue of Scene In S.A. as Outstanding Woman In Law 2023

DMCA is pleased to announce four DMCA attorneys (Monica Saenz, Marisol Perez, Claudia Hernandez, and Amy Thomas) have been listed in the Women’s Issue of Scene In S.A. as outstanding Women in Law 2023 in the field of immigration.

We are proud of their dedication and the successes they have achieved for our clients.

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DMCA se complace en anunciar que cuatro abogadas de DMCA (Monica Saenz, Marisol Perez, Claudia Hernandez y Amy Thomas) han sido incluidas en la edición de mujeres de Scene In S.A. como Mujeres destacadas en la ley 2023 en el campo de la inmigración. Estamos orgullosos de su dedicación y los éxitos que han logrado para nuestros clientes.

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