Advocating for International Human Rights Ruth Lozano McChesney, long time DMCA managing partner and now Of Counsel to DMCA, was nominated and was accepted as a member of the Action Committee of the State Bar of Texas’ International Law Section and a member of its International Human Rights Committee. Additionally, …
Read MoreOn January 30, 2017, DMCA is moving its Headquarters (HQ) office. DMCA’s HQ office is currently located at 8930 Fourwinds, Ste. 106, San Antonio, Texas 78239. Effective Monday, Jan. 30, 2017, we will be at this new location: 8023 Vantage Drive, Suite 800 San Antonio, Texas 78230 The new office …
Read MoreThough an election was lost, much remains. America is still a country built by immigrants. It is still a bastion of hope and opportunity for many. And it still has an independent judiciary that prevents Trump from acting contrary to the Constitution. All people inside the United States have constitutional …
Read MoreEl 30 de enero del 2017, DMCA estará cambiando la localidad de su oficina principal (HQ). La oficina principal de DMCA actualmente se encuentra en 8930 Fourwinds, Ste. 106, San Antonio, Texas 78239. Al partir del lunes 30 de enero del 2017, estaremos ubicados en este nuevo lugar: 8023 Vantage …
Read MoreA pesar de que se perdieron las elecciones, an nos queda mucho. Estados Unidos sigue siendo un pas construido por inmigrantes. TodavÃa es un refugio de esperanza y oportunidades para muchos. Y todav tiene un poder judicial independiente que le impide a Trump actuar en contra de la Constitución. Todas …
Read MoreOn November 20, 2014, President Obama announced that he would soon be implementing a series of executive actions affecting millions of undocumented immigrants residing in the United States. Most notably, President Obama announced a new program called Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA), which would provide immigration relief to undocumented …
Read MoreNothing can completely prepare a family for the devastation that occurs when a beloved family member is arrested by immigration officials. Not only is a family member or loved one in custody, possible deportation also looms. By following these steps you can help procure your family member’s release from custody …
Read MoreNada puede preparar una familia para la devastación que ocurre cuando un miembro de la familia es arrestado por oficiales de Inmigración. El miembro de la familia no solo est¡ en custodia, quiz¡s puede ser deportado también. Siguiendo los siguientes pasos, Ud. puede ayudar en tratando de conseguir la libertad …
Read MoreThe Border Patrol (BP) is the federal law enforcement agency whose functions were previously performed by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). It is now part of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), an agency within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The last couple of years have been tough …
Read MoreTo be granted asylum, an applicant must show that he fears persecution because of his race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. For almost 30 years now, immigration officials have struggled to define the characteristics and boundaries of what it means to belong to a …
Read MoreIn oral argument today before the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, DMCA attorney Juan Carlos Rodriguez argued that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) wrongly entered an order reinstating a prior order of removal against his client. ICE is only supposed to reinstate a prior order of removal when they are …
Read MoreOur DMCA attorney Marisol L. Pérez will be a speaker on this panel tomorrow night at 7PM (doors open at 6:30PM) at the Pearl Studio in San Antonio. Marisol L. Pérez is a native of San Angelo, Texas and handles a wide range of immigration matters at De Mott, McChesney, …
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