Author: Jose
Attorney Warren Craig is now Board Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization (TBLS) in Immigration and Nationality Law.
DMCA proudly announces that attorney Warren Craig is now Board Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization (TBLS) in Immigration and Nationality Law. DMCA now has six board-certified attorneys. DMCA anuncia con orgullo que el abogado Warren Craig ha sido certificado en leyes de Inmigración y Nacionalidad por el Consejo de Especialización Legal de Texas. DMCA ahora tiene seis abogados certificados por el Consejo.
*DMCA Offices 2/19/2021*
All DMCA physical offices will remain closed on Friday, 19 February 2021, but will continue services through remote/virtual operations. Call or email us for help with your case or new consult, we’re here to help! Todas las oficinas físicas de DMCA permanecerán cerradas mañana viernes, 19 de febrero del 2021, pero continuaremos nuestros servicios de manera remota/virtual. Llámenos o mandé un correo electrónico si tiene preguntas sobre su caso o si quiere agendar una nueva consulta. Estamos listos para ayudarle!
*Austin Office 1/19-1/20/2021*
Due to planned demonstrations surrounding the Texas State Capitol building, DMCA – Austin’s physical office will move to full virtual/remote operations on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 19 and 20, 2021. We are ready to continue assisting our clients via telephone, email, and other platforms. Thanks for your understanding. A raíz de la posibilidad de demostraciones civiles en el Capitolio del Estado de Texas en Austin la oficina de DMCA – Austin, moverá sus operaciones a modo virtual/remoto el martes y miércoles, 19 y 20 de enero del 2021. La oficina estará cerrada en los días mencionados. Estaremos listos para continuar ... Read more
Regulaciones EB-5 nuevas toman efecto el 21 de noviembre del 2019 – Lo que debe saber ahora!
La semana pasada el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS) publico regulaciones nuevas sobre el programa EB-5, Programa de Inversionista Inmigrantes ( Algunos de los cambios significantes incluyen: Aumento de las cantidades mínimas de inversión requeridas. Para inversiones localizadas en áreas designada bajo un área designada Área de Empleo Objeto (TEA; pueblos fuera del área estadística metropolitana con población de menos de 20,000, o áreas con desempleo alto de 150% de la tasa de desempleo nacional promedio) la cantidad se aumenta de $500,000 a $900,000. Para inversiones localizados fuera de áreas designadas el aumento es de $1,000,000 a $1,800,000. Estas cantidades ... Read more
New EB-5 Regulations Will Go Into Effect on November 21, 2019 – What You Need to Know Now!
This past week the Department of Homeland Security published the anticipated and impactful new EB-5 regulations (EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program Modernization; Some of the most significant changes to the program include: Minimum Investment Amounts. The minimum investment amounts will increase on November 21, 2019. For investments that are in Targeted Employment Areas (TEAs; rural areas outside of a Metropolitan Statistical Area with a population of 20,000 or more; or an area with an unemployment rate of 150% of the national average), the amount increases from $500,000 to $900,000. For those outside TEAs, it goes from $1,000,000 to $1,800,000. These ... Read more
DMCA Advocating for International Human Rights – Fighting for what is right
Advocating for International Human Rights Ruth Lozano McChesney, long time DMCA managing partner and now Of Counsel to DMCA, was nominated and was accepted as a member of the Action Committee of the State Bar of Texas’ International Law Section and a member of its International Human Rights Committee. Additionally, she has joined the national American Bar Association’s International Human Rights group. She is committed to the continued advocacy of both the immigrant community as well as pushing forth and making a difference in the International community – protecting and ensuring basic rights for vulnerable groups. This includes a commitment ... Read more
Ruth McChesney Admitted to the U.S. Supreme Court Bar
Long-time DMCA Managing Partner Ruth McChesney, currently Of Counsel to DMCA, was admitted to the U.S. Supreme Court Bar earlier this month. She summarized her experience as follows: “It was an extraordinary experience being formally sworn into the U.S. Supreme Court Bar by Chief Justice John Roberts with all the Supreme Court justices after hearing four decisions. I was impressed by the solemnity of the process and was privileged to hear Ruth Bader Ginsburg issue a majority opinion ( on a jurisdictional issue of a discrimination case. Afterwards, Justice Ginsburg visited with the new members. I learned and appreciated that she ... Read more
On January 30, 2017, DMCA is moving its Headquarters (HQ) office. DMCA’s HQ office is currently located at 8930 Fourwinds, Ste. 106, San Antonio, Texas 78239. Effective Monday, Jan. 30, 2017, we will be at this new location: 8023 Vantage Drive, Suite 800 San Antonio, Texas 78230 The new office is centrally located near the intersection of IH 10 and IH 410:,+San+Antonio We look forward to seeing you there!
Dreamers fear worst, fight for best by Carlos Aguilar As the results from the 2016 U.S. presidential election a historically tense and formidable campaign were made official, an overwhelming sense of fear and uncertainty threatened to take over my life but it didn’t not again. As I laid in bed that morning, I couldn’t help but think of other Dreamers and undocumented students whose motivation and expectations for a better future may have been negatively impacted. We are faced with adversity. The continuation and expansion of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program is in limbo, and a just and ... Read more
Though an election was lost, much remains. America is still a country built by immigrants. It is still a bastion of hope and opportunity for many. And it still has an independent judiciary that prevents Trump from acting contrary to the Constitution. All people inside the United States have constitutional rights, including immigrants. DMCA will tirelessly work to ensure that our clients exercise their constitutional rights to the fullest extent of law. We hoped that America would choose a candidate that supported immigrant rights and immigration reforms that valued family unity, protected the refugee, and that restored integrity to a ... Read more